Tag: breakfast

Whole Wheat Banana Muffins with Dark Chocolate and Toasted Pecans

Whole Wheat Banana Muffins with Dark Chocolate and Toasted Pecans | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

Happy spring, everyone!!!

Just kidding. It’s 25 degrees out today with a snowstorm coming this week. Spring has NOT SPRUNG in Chicago.

I had planned to do a light, fresh, healthy recipe today to celebrate the official start of spring. But then I was like, you know what, screw it, I’m making some super-loaded banana muffins all jacked up with dark chocolate and toasted pecans. Because in this cruel hell in which it’s still sub-freezing and snowing in late March, bathing suit season just seems really, really far away. And banana muffins sound really, really good right now.


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(The Best) Croque Madame

(The Best) Croque Madame | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

You know those mornings when you just NEEEEED an epic breakfast?

Like, 90% of the time, cereal is awesome. Oatmeal is just great. Scrambled eggs = easy. Done. But every so often, Sunday morning rolls around and the usual rotation is just not going to cut it. I need something decadent, ooey-gooey, and super hearty. Usually of the cheesy or chocolaty variety. 

This croque madame is for these kinds of mornings.


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Chocolate Stout Bread

Chocolate Stout Bread | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

I don’t know about where you live, but ‘round these parts, St. Patrick’s Day is a pretty big deal.

A “start-drinking-before-noon” kind of big deal.  I mean, we dye an entire river green. You just gotta do it. 

It may be more than a week before the actual day, but in food blogger world, we always celebrate early. So welcome to St. Patrick’s Day WEEK up in here. I ate and drank copious amounts of chocolate and beer this weekend FOR YOU. You’re welcome! 


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Blueberry Breakfast Quinoa

Blueberry Breakfast Quinoa | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

My fascination with whole grains is still going strong. I blame the January 2014 issue of Bon Appetit.

It’s totally not even about health, it’s about the FLAVOR, people. (Although according to the rules of math and science, if it’s healthy, I can eat twice as much…right?) Anyways, ever since I started cooking with whole grains more, I’m suddenly like…why would I make this with white rice when farro would taste so much better? Quinoa and I are likethis. Whole grains just add a whole new flavor profile, one that’s rich and nutty and deep and chewy and delicious, and I love exploring all the ways out there in the world to make them taste gourmet and make you completely forget how good for you they are.


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