Tag: gnocchi

Foodie Favorites – December 16, 2015

foodie favorites - december 16, 2015 // my bacon-wrapped life

Happy birthday to my meat-lovin’ birthday boy!

Hi guys! Popping in one more time to say hi before the holidays – and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to my boo! It’s Brad’s birthday today (and also 7 months exactly until our wedding!!) so it’s feeling quite celebratory around here, indeed. Let’s eye-indulge with some incredible cozy food!

This white been risotto with garlicky greens is my winter love-food. I want to cozy up with a big bowl of this STAT.

These mint snowman marshmallows are possibly the greatest holiday gift I’ve ever seen. Cannot handle the cuteness!


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Foodie Favorites – September 2, 2015

foodie favorites - september 2, 2015 // my bacon-wrapped life

My favorite appetizer, the “lollipop corndogs”, at our go-to burger place in Berkeley (home of this beauty). Totally appropriate thing to eat before a giant burger, yes?

Hey guys! Holy wow – I can’t believe that I just typed “September” up there! It feels so weird for it to be September and still feel so relentlessly hot and sunny and summer-y. The Bay Area typically has a pretty strong Indian summer, and this summer it’s basically been an insanely-freakin-hot normal summer, so I’m not expecting it to cool down anytime soon. That doesn’t mean I’m not super excited for Fall recipes though – you know I’ll be the gal cooking up some pumpkin in my steaming air conditioning-less apartment. No shame! But I’m not (quite) ready for that yet, so let’s enjoy some more summer food – here are this week’s Foodie Favorites!

This summer skillet gnocchi looks like the perfect summer dinner. I’m totally craving that toasty corn and that pillowy gnocchi!

Perfect summer cocktail, anyone? This fig and bourbon summer smash looks amazing! I LOVE the idea of pairing sweet figs and bourbon. I might have to bust out our cocktail shaker at home to try this one!


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