Tag: brown butter

Foodie Favorites – August 6, 2014

foodie favorites - august 6, 2014 // my bacon-wrapped lifeThe pizza fondue (yes, you read that right) at La Madia in Chicago

Hi everyone! Hope you’re having a great week. We’re starting our month of family visits – my brother visited last weekend, my parents and other brother are coming to Chicago this weekend, and Brad’s sister and her boyfriend are visiting the weekend after that! I’m absolutely loving all of fam time and enjoying probably a little too much eating and drinking…but hey, that’s how it should be! Here are the things I’ve been loving this week:


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Browned Butter Bourbon Granola

Browned Butter Bourbon Granola | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

As I mentioned last week, holiday baking is one of my absolute favorite part of the holidays. I’m talented at very few things in life besides baking, so I have to take advantage of the time of the year that it really comes in handy! Unfortunately, my other talent (reading young adult books at an alarmingly fast pace) never really comes in handy, so this is all I have, people.


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