Tag: toasted coconut

Tropical Toasted Coconut Stovetop Granola

tropical toasted coconut stovetop granola // my bacon-wrapped life

As anyone who’s followed along with this here blog over the past few years knows, I never, ever get sick of new homemade granola recipes. And this tropical toasted coconut stovetop granola just happens to be my new favorite!

First things first: despite it’s traditional sheet pan appearances, this really is a stovetop granola. No baking. Comes together in a flash. All that good stuff. I just spread it out on a sheet pan to cluster (critical step) and then took all my pictures on it and realized how silly and confusing that was. WHOOPS.


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Grilled Peach and Pistachio Stovetop Granola Breakfast Bowls

grilled peach and stovetop pistachio granola breakfast bowls // my bacon-wrapped life

I can just feel the days of fresh peaches lining the grocery store rows slipping away, and I’m holding on with all my might. Don’t leave me, little guys!! But try as I may, they’re going, and I know this just might be my last awesome-peach hurrah of the summer. I’m trying to be cool about it. (Cue dramatic sobbing.)


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