Tag: granola

Grilled Peach and Pistachio Stovetop Granola Breakfast Bowls

grilled peach and stovetop pistachio granola breakfast bowls // my bacon-wrapped life

I can just feel the days of fresh peaches lining the grocery store rows slipping away, and I’m holding on with all my might. Don’t leave me, little guys!! But try as I may, they’re going, and I know this just might be my last awesome-peach hurrah of the summer. I’m trying to be cool about it. (Cue dramatic sobbing.)


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Dark Chocolate Coconut Quinoa Granola

dark chocolate coconut quinoa granola // my bacon-wrapped life

Guys. It’s November. NOVEMBER! The month of first snows and Thanksgiving and the beginnings of holiday shopping and Christmas music. I’m getting all excited just thinking about it.

I, for one, love the holidays. (I don’t do Christmas music until after Thanksgiving though. THEN it’s game on, All-I-Want-for-Christmas-is-You style allllll the way until December 25, yo.) In every other way, I am happy to start celebrating as soon as it’s socially acceptable, and November 2 = totally, totally acceptable. Bring. It. On.


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Foodie Favorites – August 13, 2014

foodie favorites - august 13, 2014 // my bacon-wrapped lifeBaking up a batch of the best chocolate chip cookies in the world 

Hello everyone – hope you’re having an awesome week! We had so much fun with my parents and little brother last weekend. We managed to tour Northwestern, see an outdoor concert, ride bikes along Lake Michigan, spend an afternoon at the Art Institute, and eat our faces off all weekend, so I’d say it was an insanely successful Chicago visit! Here are my foodie favorites for this week.


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Tropical White Chocolate Coconut Granola Bars

Tropical White Chocolate Coconut Granola Bars | www.mybaconwrappedlife.com

The best, best thing about living in Chicago is that as soon as the weather shows even the slightest signs of heating up, people really freak out. The lakeshore path is filled with runners and bikers, restaurants bust out their outdoor patio furniture, and everywhere you look, people are drinking beer outside and laughing with their friends. The upside about the weather being absolute crap for much of the year is that people don’t waste a second of a sunny day, and there’s nothing like the energy in the city in the summer. It makes the rest of the year (almost) totally worth it.


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