restaurant reviews: florence, italy // my bacon-wrapped life

Well, we’re officially back home after **literally** the trip of a lifetime to Italy. I can’t even begin to describe how well we ate – it was 2 weeks full of the best meals I’ve ever had, back to back to back. We ate pasta every night and sampled the most amazing bread, cheese, prosciutto, pizza, and gelato during the day – all interspersed with lots of Italian wine, of course! It was beautiful, insanely delicious, and everything I could have ever wanted. And now I can’t wait to relive it all over again with you!

It was a very tough choice, but we decided our overall favorite food city was Florence – the truffles! The prosciutto! The quaint wine bars! OK, I’ll stop. But it really was something special – the opportunity to spend a few days strolling around this gorgeous city filled with so much art and history, eating amazing food, and drinking incredible (cheap!) wine all day was truly an experience I’ll never forget.


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