Tag: bacon

BBQ Chicken Bacon Nachos

bbq chicken bacon nachos // my bacon-wrapped life

Hellooooo first football Sunday of the year!!

This is the kind of thing where, if I had my shit together, I would have posted this nacho beauty last weekend so you could make it for the first football Sunday of the year. But since last weekend I was busy wedding dress shopping (!!!) and making cookies, I hope you’ll forgive me. Besides, we have an entire glorious five months of football Sundays to look forward to, so I think we’re still cool.

Besides, eating an entire tray of BBQ chicken bacon nachos was not my least favorite way to spend the first football Sunday of the year. In fact, one might say it was THE BEST WAY EVER to spend the first football Sunday of the year. One might definitely say that.


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Sweet Potato Bacon Breakfast Tacos

sweet potato bacon breakfast tacos // my bacon-wrapped life

I present to you Sweet Potato Bacon Breakfast Tacos, a.k.a. the time I took a healthy vegetable and fried it in a full inch of bacon fat and called it breakfast.

For the record, I regret nothing.

See, we’re really into breakfast food ‘round the clock around here. We eat black bean breakfast burritos (my super-simple weeknight dinner specialty, if I do say so myself) or veggie-loaded egg scrambles for dinner at least once a week. Literally the only thing that Brad knows how to make is an buttery egg-and-cheese breakfast sandwich. It’s safe to say we are egg-and-cheese devotees, so when I realized the other day that I’d never tried my hand at an epic breakfast taco, my food-blogger mind started churning on overdrive.


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BBQ Chicken, Bacon, and Blue Cheese Naan Pizzas

bbq chicken, bacon, and blue cheese naan pizzas // my bacon-wrapped life

I’d like to formally introduce you to what will be henceforth be known as The Summer of Quick and Easy Recipes on My Bacon-Wrapped Life.

It’s not ideal, but it’s real life, people. With a crazy (at least, crazy for my super-homebody self) travel schedule that’s packed my summer with weddings and wedding-errands and lake vacations and friend visits, my summer is lookin’ a lotta wonderful but also a little nutso. Which means keeping up with this blog is going to be an adventure and a half for this working girl. So I just wanted to throw out some advance warning that this here space will tend more towards the quick and easy and less towards the slow-simmered Bolognese/homemade cinnamon rolls/fancy-pants stuff for the next few months. Which I think is actually quite perfect for the summer, ya know? Don’t we all really just want something fast and mindless and delicious and hot-kitchen-time minimizing?

That’s the summer dream, people.


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Brownie Tart with Salted Caramel Bacon Topping

brownie tart with salted caramel bacon topping // my bacon-wrapped life

And in a blink of an eye, it’s that time of year again. Guys, this week is my two-year blogiversary!

It feels like just yesterday we were celebrating one year of bacon and lovin’ with this salted caramel bacon ice cream pie. I mean seriously. How was that one year ago?!

So while I can’t believe it’s been two years that we’ve been hangin’ out in this here corner of the internet, I definitely knew we’d be in need of some major celebration. As you probably know by now, in my book, that usually takes the form of an ultra-decadent sweet-and-salty bacon dessert. Also, it’s Father’s Day! If meat in a dessert doesn’t scream “Dad’s day”, I don’t know what does. I know my super sweet-tooth (and bacon-tooth?) Dad would agree!


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