Restaurant Reviews: Best of London


I’m fortunate enough to get to travel to London occasionally for my job, but these trips are generally packed full of meetings and business dinners, leaving me no time to actually get to know the city beyond the inside of hotel bars and taxis. So, this year, after our travels in Edinburgh, I was very excited for the opportunity to spend time in London as a tourist for the first time since my study abroad days. By the end, I felt like I knew the city infinitely better and truly fell in love with London and its hustle and bustle (and food!) all over again.


Restaurant Reviews: Best of Edinburgh, Scotland

Just a casual castle-strewn view from a walk through Edinburgh, one of the most beautiful cities I've ever been to
Just a casual shot of a walk through Edinburgh, one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever been to

It’s no secret that Scotland, like the rest of the UK, is not necessarily known for its food. So admittedly, I went in with pretty low culinary expectations. However, I definitely found some gems in our 4-ish days in Edinburgh, which was an absolutely gorgeous city, chock-full of castles, cobblestone streets, rolling green hills, and endless rows of bar/restaurants packed with people enjoying a pint in the nice weather. Everywhere we went had an incredible selection of whiskys, fish and chips, and, yes, the infamous haggis (more on that later).


Restaurant Reviews: Best of Berkeley, CA

View from our afternoon hike in Berkeley, CA

Over the past month or so, we’ve been fortunate enough to get to travel to some awesome places. When I travel, my #1 priority is always finding the best food, so my pre-departure checklist always involves hours of Yelp-ing to find the critically-acclaimed restaurants and top spots to grab a local favorite in the area.  However, for various reasons – a lack of time, knowing a local, and traveling to a country that is not necessarily known for its food, among them – I kind of just left the culinary aspect of these trips up to chance. I may not have eaten at the top restaurants in each city, but I lived in the moment, went with the flow, and honestly enjoyed every bite. I hope you enjoy these tidbits of my favorite foods while traveling over the past month or so!


Whole-Wheat Pizza with Summer Veggies


Like most little kids, one of my absolute favorite foods growing up was pizza. Eight-year-old Meg could GET DOWN with some Hawaiian Pizza Hut pan pizza anytime, anywhere. And also like most little kids, my tastes have changed as I’ve grown older – more wood-fired thin crust with fancy meats and cheeses than greasy shredded mozzarella on an even greasier crust. But when it comes down to it, I have truly yet to meet a pizza that I didn’t prefer to most other things. From hearty and heavy deep dish (I am a Chicagoan, after all) to cracker thin crust with a delicate spattering of toppings, I love them all and could easily eat pizza every day. So considering how much I love to cook and bake, it surprises even me that I’d never attempted my own pizza crust before.
